Heavy Planet conclusion

Chapter 17

The aliens looked astounded. "xzzx"

"xzzx," Sharon replied.


"They were surprised when I told them my mother's name," Sharon explained. "They weren,t aware that Earth was the planet she crashed on. They also said that they had heard we were coming, and had they known when, they would have sent a party to the surface to have greeted us."

"What's all this?" asked Sarah. "Your mother crashed on Earth? What, was she an alien?"

"Yes, she was. I hadn't told you before because there was no reason to. That's how I can speak their language, it's inherited from her."

"So was she from here?"

"At least from this race. But her home was a planet, not a ship. She did say that her race was trying to get away from other aliens, so I guess they came up with this as a hiding place, a sanctuary if you will."

"So this is like a homecoming to you then."

"Maybe, but I'm not so sure. I'm a little worried, to tell the truth."

"What do you mean?"

"Hold on before you answer," cautioned Amazon Girl. "If the grays knew English, maybe these do also."

"We just got a French poodle," Caroline said. "We named it Fido. But we spell it, P-H-Y-D-E-A-U!"

"Ha, that's funny," Sharon laughed. "But what are you doing?"

"I'm looking for a reaction from the aliens. But I'm not seeing anything."

"Of course not. To get the joke, you not only have to know English, but French as well. You also need to know the differences between them. I'm not sure the joke would work in German. It certainly wouldn't work in French!"

"I hate you, you bloody Hagis eaters!" Caroline shouted.

"God, that's even worse than your joke. There isn't even an alien word for Hagis!"

"Well, that says something good about them, then."

"Amazon Girl, what do you suggest?"

"We can whisper. Better yet, if we can get paper and pencil, we can write."

"xzzx," the alien said.

"They have something that they want us to do for them," Sharon translated. "It seems there are a number of rebels on this ship and they need to be confined. They want us to test the jail cell for them."

"What was your reply?"

"I haven't given one yet. We need to discuss this first."

"What's to discuss?" Sarah asked. "They've been nice enough to us so far. This is the least we could do for them."

"I'm worried that it may be a trap," Sharon replied. "They may try to confine us in the cell."

"There isn't a cell made that can confine me!" Caroline exclaimed.

"Keep it down!" Amazon Girl cautioned. "Sharon, you said you were worried earlier. Why?"

"It's just that the aliens said they heard we were coming. They used the word for friendly heard. But the grays were the only ones who knew we were coming!"

"What do you mean by 'friendly heard'?"

"The verb 'to hear' in English is not precise. It can signify the physical act, 'Did you hear that?' or it can signify learnig of something either verbally or by reading, 'Have you heard of that?' In the alien language, there are different words for each of these, and also words for hearing from a friend or hearing from an enemy."

"Just how well do you speak their language? Can you be sure of nuances like this?"

"No, I can't be certain."

"Then I suggest we take them up on their offer," Amazon Girl said. "Once we're in the cell, we can see what happens. If they don't let us out after the test, then Caroline can simply break out. Then we'll know they are our enemies."

"Sounds like a plan to me," Sharon agreed. "xzzx."


"We're to follow them," Sharon said as she got up from the table.

Chapter 18

The women followed the aliens through the ship, down one long corridor after another. As they went, the surroundings began to lose their pseuo-planetary appearance and to take on the look of an actual ship.

"This must be the business area," Sarah said.

"Well, it can't all look like a planet," Sharon agreed. "At least they have that large area, it must be like a park."

Now the area was definitely a ship. The walls were bare metal, and the doorways were air-tight locks. Soon they came upon the first door they had seen on the ship which had a keypad lock system. But it wasn't the only one, as they went through three more of these doors before entering a long corridor with rooms on either side. The rooms were all open, with no doors. The furnishings were sparse, just a few chairs and a toilet.

The aliens stopped at one of the rooms. "xzzx."

"They want us to go in here," Sharon translated.

The women all entered the room.


"They say to remain here. They are activating what they call a gravity door. They will increase the gravity until we cannot go through the field, that will be the test. They say if they can confine us, with all our strength, then they can certainly confine any rebels."


"The test has begun. We are to try to walk out of this room into the corridor."

"But I don't feel a thing," Sarah protested.

"They called it a gravity door," Sharon replied. "Maybe the gravity field is focussed just in one spot."

Sharon began walking towards the corridor. As she neared the corridor, she felt the gravity field. She felt heavy, but continued on into the hall.


Sharon returned to the cell. "They are adjusting the field. They want us to just stand in the doorway until the field becomes too intense for us."

"All right," Amazon Girl replied. "Caroline, watch what happens to Sharon and myself. As the field intensifies, we should feel the effects. We'll also try to tell you what the effects are. When you see us reacting, you and Sarah follow along and act as if you are also affected."

"We'll do our best," Caroline said as the women went to the doorway.

As the women stood, the aliens began increasing the gravity field. Soon, the women's clothing began to give way under the stress.

The aliens eyes opened wide in amazement. "xzzx."

"They're saying the field is twice what it is on the surface," Sharon said. "They can't believe that we are still standing here."

As the aliens continued to increase the field, the women's feet sank through the soles of their shoes and contacted the bare metal floor. Then their feet began to sink into the metal! At this point, Sharon began to waiver in her stance.

"I'm starting to feel dizzy," she said, "like when we first landed."

"Me too," Amazon Girl replied.

"Well, I'm not feeling a thing," Caroline rejoined.

"Me neither," Sarah agreed.

Sharon dropped to her knees, then went on all fours. "That's about it for me."

"Me too," Amazon Girl said, as she also went to the floor.

"Caroline, what are you waiting for?" Amazon Girl said, as the field continued to increase, forcing her to lie prostrate.

Caroline and Sarah dropped to their knees. "I just wanted to verify the field was still increasing."

"It is," Sharon replied. She was now prostrate also. "I can't move."

Caroline and Sarah dropped the rest of the way to the floor. "It still doesn't bother me in the least."

"It's hard to breathe!" Sharon gasped. "xzzx."


"What did you say?" Caroline asked.

"I told them the field was too intense for us and asked them to back it down," Sharon croaked.

Chapter 19

"What was their response?" asked Caroline.

"They said they would reduce it, but only so we can move away from the door. If we try to escape, they will immediately double it!"

"All right, I can move again," Amazon Girl said as she backed into the room, followed by the others.


"They just increased the field again," Sharon said. "At least now we know that they are not our friends."

"Well, we're like Daniel in the lion's den," Sarah said.

"Yeah, we're up the creek without a paddle," Sharon said.

"If it weren't for bad luck, we'd have no luck at all."

"Three strikes and you're out, and we've got two already."

"Out of the frying pan and into the fire."

"Jeez, cut it out you two!" Caroline interjected.

"Sorry, we were just killing time until the aliens left," Sharon replied. "Ready to get out of here?"


"Hold on," Amazon Girl said. "Have you noticed the others in the cell across the way? They're really looking at us strangely."

Sharon hadn't noticed. There were a group of five of various ages. She decided to make contact. "xzzx"

"xzzx," came the reply.



"Oh my God!" Sharon exclaimed.

"What is it?" Amazon Girl asked.

"See that older man? He said I looked familiar to him, but he didn't know me. He asked if I was from around here. I told him no, that we were from Earth, and I told him my mother's name. He said that he's my grandfather!"

"That's incredible!"

"Why don't you go over to him and say hello?" Caroline asked.

"The gravity field is too intense for me," Sharon protested.

"Nonsense. Your body has reserves of energy. That's how you can be so strong. Trust your body. Use your reserves to get through the field. If you want it badly enough, you can do it. You are unstoppable! Believe in yourself!"

Sharon arose with determination. She walked to the door. The field was intense beyond belief, but she maintained herself. She walked through it as though it were not there!

"Yes! I did it!"

She continued across the hall and entered the other cell. Her grandfather stood in awe of her, then hugged her to him and both embraced in a flood of tears of happiness!

Sharon and her grandfather conversed for quite a while. Then Sharon spoke to the other women, translating what he had said:

"The aliens that we met earlier are the rebels. They are associated with the grays. My grandfather and these others were the leadership for this ship. The rebels took over the ship a few days ago when they spotted their chance. Until then, they had thought that they needed help and that is why we were brought here, to assist them. But since they have already taken control we are no longer needed and thus we are confined."

"I wouldn't say we are confined," Caroline pointed out as she easily walked through the gravity field into the corridor.

Chapter 20

Caroline walked over to the cell. "What's the game plan?"

"Let's get everyone out first," Sharon replied. "But these can't just walk out."

"Perhaps we can carry them out?" asked Caroline.

"No, the gravity is too high. Their bodies would be crushed. Sarah, help Amazon Girl get out. The two of you join us here."

"What's this?" asked Caroline as she pointed to a small hole in the wall of the cell beside the door.

"I don't know. Let me ask. xzzx."


"They say food is passed into the cell through that opening."

"Good. That means the gravity field is only on the door and not on that opening," Caroline said.

"So what?"

"So this," Caroline said, as she reached her hands into the opening She then spread her hands apart, tearing the wall asunder!

The aliens quickly left the cell through the new "door" that Caroline had made.

"What next?" Caroline asked.

"xzzx." Sharon asked.

"xzzx," came the reply.

"We need to go out that door," Sharon said as she pointed the way. "But watch out, there are armed guards on the other side."

The women lead the way as the group went to the door.


"They say the weapons are of the physical effects type. There are several possible modes; gravity, light, heat."

"Allow me," Caroline stated, as she tore the solid metal door from its hinges.

There were four guards on the other side sitting at a table. All four jumped to their feet as the door was torn free, weapons at the ready.

Caroline stepped into the doorway. Immediately, four red dots appeared on her skin.


"They say the red dots are for aiming only, like a laser sight on Earth."

Seconds later, Caroline was under attack. Her feet began sinking into the floor as one weapom was set for gravity mode. The remains of her dress went up in flames as one weapon discharged in heat mode. The area was bathed in brilliant white as one weapon was in light mode. And there was a torrent of wind on the women's backs as one weapon was placed into vacuum mode.

"Is that all you've got?" shouted Caroline as she withstood the combined attack and began advancing towards the stunned guards.

But the guards quickly recovered and began resetting their weapons. Steam came from Caroline's nostrils as one weapon was reset from heat mode to cold mode. Her feet left the floor as the weapon that was in gravity mode, was shifted to anti-gravity mode. The area went dim as light mode became dark mode. Again, Caroline was unaffected.

But then the last weapon was shifted from vacuum mode to pressure mode. As the powerful wind gust hit her, Caroline was swept into the wall with such force that the metal buckled. Pinned against the wall, she had nowhere to go!

Spotting her chance, with the guards concentrating on Caroline, Amazon Girl rushed through the doorway and tackled two guards, one with each arm. Their weapons flew out of their grasp, still discharging. One other guard shrieked in pain as the blast hit him, but then fell silent as he was frozen to death. The table in the room rocketed upwards as if shot from a cannon as the anti-gravity blast hit it, disintegrating when it impacted the ceiling.

The sole remaining guard continued to train his weapon upon Caroline. But now that she was no longer under anti-gravity force, Caroline fell back down to the floor and regained traction. She began advancing on the guard, but even more amazing, she opened her mouth and breathed in all of the wind being generated by the powerful weapon!

Flabbergasted is the only word capable of describing the guard's reaction as Caroline began walking towards him! He stood there frozen as she reached out and grabbed his weapon from him, crushing it to dust in her hand. She quickly disposed of the other three weapons in the same manner.

The others then entered the room. "xzzx."

"They say that they are quite impressed with the show Caroline just put on. They've never encountered a being who has been unaffected by any physical effect. But now we must quickly continue onwards. This way," Sharon pointed.

Chapter 21

The group quickly walked down a corridor, then stopped as they reached an air-tight metal door operated with a key pad. Sharon's grandfather entered the code.


"He says drat, the code didn't work. The rebels must have changed it."

"Why don't I just rip it off?" Caroline asked.

"Wait while I ask him," Sharon said. "xzzx."


"He says an alarm will sound if the door is forced open. He'd rather make a surprise entrance."

"Ask him what happens if the door loses power," Amazon Girl said.

"All right. xzzx."


"He says the door will unlock with no alarm."

"Just as I thought," Amazon Girl replied. She grasped the power conduit and ripped it in two, creating a shower of sparks. The door audibly unlocked, then she grasped the handle and pulled it open.


"He says they are continually impressed with our abilities. We need to keep moving, though. Up this corridor is one more door, which operates similarly."

The group walked up the corridor and stopped at the next door. This door was similar to the one before, but this time, the power mechanism was on the other side.

"Hmm, there's no conduit this time," Sharon pointed out. "What do we do now?"

"Actually, there is a conduit," Amazon Girl corrected. "It's just on the other side."

"How do we get to it?"

"Why don't I make a hole?" Caroline asked.

"Sounds like a plan to me," Sharon responded. "Just make it with your fingernail, and be careful to only cut through the wall itself and not through whatever is on the other side."

"Well, actually I was going to make a hole in the door itself," Caroline said. She then ran her fingernail around the door about 6 inches from the edge. The others watched in fascinatioin as her fingernail easily cut through the metal, leaving an absolutely smooth edge. As she completed her cut, the metal fell out the other side, leaving an opening only a bit smaller than the actual doorway.


"xzzx," Sharon responded. "They just asked if there were anything that Caroline couldn't do, and I told them there was nothing that I know of."

"Why thank you," Caroline nodded. "There's nothing I know of either."


"They say they should be able to handle it from here. But they would like for us to come along as backup."

"Are you sure they don't want us to run point?" Caroline asked.

"No, it's an honor thing for them. We'll lag behind until they call for us."

The women followed behind as the aliens went through the ship. This wasn't the scenic tour; the path chosen was through service corridors. But it did have the advantage of no others seeing them. The women did not realize it, but they were soon outside the same office they had originally been taken for their interview.


"They want us to wait here."

Chapter 22

The women listened intently, but with the door closed, heard nothing. After a few minutes, the door opened. "xzzx."

"They want us to come into the room," Sharon translated.

"Be on your guard," Amazon Girl cautioned.

"No, this was a friendly enter," Sharon corrected.

The women entered the room. Only the five from the cell were there, along with one woman.

"xzzx," Sharon asked.

"xzzx," came the reply.

"They say the rebels froze in surprise when they entered, and they simply called the regular guard force to arrest and detain them. The woman is here to get us some clothes."

"What's with always getting us dressed?" Caroline asked. "Don't they like my body?"

"My grandfather says that when he looks at me naked, he gets thoughts inappropriate for a grandfather to have for his granddaughter."

"I like the high morals of these people," Sarah said. "I was right, this place does have a good vibe.'

"Yeah, but you said that when we met the rebels, too," Caroline pointed out.

The woman quickly returned with clothes, and the women got dressed.

"Toga time again," Caroline pouted.

"Hey, at least they are free," Sarah said.


"They are asking if we are hungry. I know I'm starving, how about the rest of you?"

"Definitely," Sarah said. "We haven't had anything to eat since breakfast, and that was a long time ago."


"This way to the dining hall."

This time, the tour was scenic. The women followed the aliens through the park-like area that they had traversed earlier, but this time, it looked different.

"What's changed?" Sarah asked.

"It's not as bright," Sharon replied. "But now you can see the overhead star-like lights more clearly."

"Of course!," Sarah replied. "It must be timed to simulate daytime and nighttime. How clever."

The route turned off from the park and went down a corridor. But it was so wide, it was like walking down a plaza, with plants growing along each side. The surface of the floor simulated a sidewalk in appearance and feel. "Shops" lined the walls, each with a different design to simulate separate buildings.

The aliens entered one of the shops. An attendant immediately arose. "xzzx."

"He's like a maitre'd," Sharon said. "He's greeting us and asking my grandfather if he wishes his usual table."

All went into the restaurant to a private area to be seated at a table together. The place settings had utensils similar to those on Earth.

"How do we order?" Sarah asked. "We don't speak the language, and even you don't know what the food is."

"xzzx," Sharon's grandfather said to the waiter.

"Grandfather ordered for us. It's a special meal, one that was a favorite of my mother. If you're not sure how to eat something, just follow my lead; I'll ask if needed."

Soon, waiters began bringing dishes. An empty bowl was placed by each person, with a tureen placed near Sharon's grandfather. The aliens all bowed their heads, while Sharon's grandfather spoke.

"They are saying grace. He is thanking God for the opportunity to meet us and to be able to feed us."

The alien seated to the right of Sharon's grandfather then passed his bowl to him. He filled the bowl from the tureen and passed it to his left. The women followed along, until all bowls had been filled.

"This is delicious," Sharon said. "It's like Cream of Celery soup."

As the diners finished the soup, waiters brought the next dish. Again, empty plates were placed around the table and a large serving dish was placed near Sharon's grandfather.

A large carafe of wine was brought, along with glasses. Sharon's grandfather filled each glass in turn.

As plates were passed and Sharon's grandfather filled them, Sarah remarked, "I really like this setup. The head of the table serves the others, and all are served before any eat."

This course consisted of meat and vegetables, with a green sauce.

"What's this green stuff?" asked Sarah.

"If this meat is the alien equivalent of turkey, then this green stuff is their equivalent of cranberry sauce," Sharon replied, as she watched the aliens eat. All of the women thought it delicious, reminding them of turkey and yams.

Bread was served next. Sharon's grandfather tore off pieces for each from a long loaf.

Finaly, fruit was served, like raspberries and cream, in bowls.

All arose and left the restaurant. Once outside, the aliens spoke. "xzzx."

"They asre saying good night. My grandfather wants us to go with him to his apartment."

The women followed as Sharon's grandfather led them down the plaza to another "building" and entered into a foyer. A code was entered into a keypad and a door opened. All entered into a living room type area, with chairs and sofa. Draperies filled one wall, grandfather opened them revealing a screen that simulated looking outside into a field of tall grass gently swaying in the breeze on a moonlit night.

"xzzx," Sharon asked.

"xzzx," came the reply.

"This is an actual view from his home planet, recorded before he left. He likes to look at it and imagine that he is still there."

"It's beautiful," Sarah agreed. "Why did he leave?"

"This view is the way it was, before the wars that destroyed the ecology. Today, it's barely inhabitable.'

"How sad."

Sharon's grandfather turned from the view and led the women into another room, this one like a den. "xzzx."

"He's offering us brandy and cigars."

"I'll take a brandy, but I don't smoke," Caroline said.

"I'll pass," Amazon Girl said.

"I'll take both," Sarah said.


"He's offering us a bed for the night in a spare bedroom."

"Sounds great," Amazon Girl said. "Think I'll hit the sack now."

"I'll join you," Caroline agreed, finishing her brandy.

Sarah soon finished her cigar and joined the others, leaving only Sharon and her grandfather.

"xzzx." "Like a cigar? This one is special, it was your mother's favorite."

"xzzx." "Really? Sure, let me try it," Sharon replied, even though she didn't smoke.

Her grandfather lit the cigar for her. She took a long drag, burning nearly a quarter of it.

"xzzx." "Hey, take it easy! Take the time to enjoy it!"

"xzzx." "Sorry, it's my first. Oooo, it's delicious!"

"xzzx." Glad you like it! Now, if you're up to it, let's talk."

Sharon and her grandfather talked well into the night about her mother and her life on Earth. Finally, each went their separate way to bed.

Chapter 23

The next morning, the women gathered with Sharon's grandfather for breakfast in his apartment. Coffee and pastries were served.


"xzzx" Sharon replied. "He asked me if I had come to a decision yet. Last night, he invited me to stay with him on this ship and I told him I would sleep on it. I want to get your input first."

"Well, it's your call," Sarah pointed out.

"How close are you to the General?" Amazon Girl asked. "And how about Pete? I heard rumors at the base."

"Pete was just a fling, Besides, he will have shipped out by now." Sharon replied. "The General and I are close, he raised me by himself for years."

"These people could use a superheroine," Caroline said.

"Hey, this isn't the Aurora universe! I'm no planetary protector!"

"You could be. You just need to believe in yourself."

"Hey, it's one thing to be the strongest in the gym, always amazing the guys." Sharon replied. "I like that! But it's another matter entirely to have others depend upon you."

"It's a part of growing up superhuman," Amazon Girl said. "It's your destiny."

"But what about Caroline?" Sharon asked. "She's the most superhuman of all, and yet she's not a superheroine."

"True," Caroline replied. "But on Earth, I'm not the only one who is super. Therefore, I can leave the superheroine business to others, like Amazon Girl. On here, though, there's no one else. You would be it by default."

"For me, I was raised as a superheroine," Amazon Girl said. "My whole family is super, I'm just following in their footsteps."

"I haven't performed any superheroine feats yet," Sarah said. "But if asked, I certainly would. I'm willing to help out by using my strength."

"But it's not the same here," Sharon protested. "If I screw up, the people here could be injured or killed. I couldn't live with myself if that happened. At least on Earth, we have backup from others."

"You just don't give yourself enough credit," Caroline said. "After you help out by using your superhuman abilities, you'll gain more confidence. I have no doubt at all that you would be an excellent superheroine."

Just then, there was a knock on the door. Sharon's grandfather answered, and soon returned to the room with a handsome young man. "xzzx."

"xzzx," Sharon replied. "Grandfather told me last night that he would introduce me to a nice young man. This guy is a space scientist, and wants to meet me. Excuse me, ladies."

Sharon got up from the table and went into the bedroom with her date.

Chapter 24

A short while later, Sharon and the young man came back into the room, each smoking cigars. Sharon sat back down at the table.

"xzzx," Sharon's grandfather asked.

"xzzx," Sharon replied. "He asked how it went. I told him not well, that we are incompatible"

"How sad," Sarah consoled. "He seemed like such a nice young man."

"Oh he was," Sharon said "We are sexually incompatible."

"How so?" Caroline asked. "Are the aliens lacking in technique?"

"No, that's not it," Sharon replied. "The men are hung too large, they're over a foot in diameter!"

"What?!!! But their other dimensions are similar to Earthlings!" Sarah pointed out. "How can they be so different down there?"

"I don't know," Sharon said. "xzzx."




"This is up Sarah's alley," Sharon said. "In the Bible story of the Garden of Eden, the snake convinces Eve to eat of the forbidden fruit. Then Adam is faced with a dilemna; on the one hand, he was told by God not to eat the fruit, but on the other hand, he was told by God to be with Eve. Adam made the choice to stay with Eve, so he then ate the fruit. God punished both, but Eve got the greater punishment of having pain during childbirth.

"There is a similar story in grandfather's Bible. But their Adam and Eve jointly discussed eating the fruit. Their Adam picked the fruit, their Eve split it in two, and they ate it together. Once again, God punished both, but since they were equally responsible and it was a joint action between the two, the punishment was also equal. Therefore, since there was no greater punishment for the woman, she was not made to suffer during childbirth. On Earth, the pain comes from the difference in normal size between the baby and the vagina. Here, the vagina is much larger and the baby easily slides out, giving no pain. But since the vagina is larger, the penis is also, in order to give a good fit."

"Wow!" Sarah exclaimed. "So they have a different Bible? Is their God different also?"

"The explanation grandfather gave seems to follow along more closely with what I've heard of the Mormon church beliefs. They say that there are multiple Gods; that our God is one of many beings that at one time were human but have since advanced to God status. That just as we are the children of God, that He likewise is the Child of One still higher. Thus our God and their God are brothers of the higher One."

"Sounds like polytheism to me," Amazon Girl said. "Like the ancient Greeks, with their gods on Olympus."

"No, the difference is that the Greeks worshipped multiple gods. On Earth, we worship only one, and likewise on here they worship only one. It's just that we each worship a different but related One."

"Fascinating," Caroline said. "But if the vagina is so much larger, how could your mother have sex with an Earthling?"

"You can make a hole smaller. That's how you can hold a toothpick in your lips," Sharon said. "But a hole is only so big and therefore there is an upper limit to what will fit."

"How does this affect your decision to stay or return to Earth?" Caroline asked.

"You know that I was uncomfortable with being the only super person around," Sharon replied. "That coupled with this is too much; as much as I have grown to love grandfather, I'll be returning to Earth. Besides, you all need me to help you get back."

"Great!" Sarah rejoined. "I wasn't looking forward to going back without you leading us."

"xzzx," Sharon said.

"xzzx," came the reply.

"Grandfather is sad that I'm leaving, but he understands. This other will help us to get back. We have a lot to discuss."

Chapter 25

"xzzx," Sharon asked.

"xzzx," came the reply.

"To return to Earth, we will take over the gray's ship. We will have to kill all of them, along with the browns. Grandfather feels that the grays have not been able to communicate with their superiors since they have been in orbit here, and that if we remove the ship's transponder, the grays will think that their ship has crashed onto the planet."


"He says he will help us with navigation," Sharon translated. "He will provide us with maps and photographs. He is not sure how the grays program their steering system. xzzx."




"Oh my God! My stupidity nearly doomed us!"

"What are you talking about?" Amazon Girl asked.

"I told them that I had brought a tape recorder with tape made by my mother, and that I had left it on the capsule. They asked about the capsule, and I told them that I had wanted to tie it down to the surface, but that I had messed up the calculations and it was holding itself in space and not pulling away as it should have.

"Then they told me that a gravity lock engine such as on the capsule only works to put the craft into a heliosynchronous orbit, not a geostationary one!"

"In English, please!" Amazon Girl pleaded.

"It means that the capsule will not hold its position relative to the surface of this planet, but instead will hold relative to the orbit of the planet to which we are gravity locked."


"So as this planet rotates, the cable attached to the surface would pull the capsule along; the capsule would lose gravity lock and would crash to the surface!"

"Stop beating yourself up!" Caroline protested. "None of us had any idea either. And besides, even if the capsule had crashed, we certainly wouldn't be doomed!"

"So that also means that the capsule is not where we left it relative to a landmark on the surface?" Sarah asked.

"It will be once a day," Sharon repled. "But I'll have to ask to see how long a day is here. xzzx."


"He says this planet rotates once every two Earth days."

"Wait a minute!" Amazon Girl mulled. "How does he know how long an Earth day is?"

"He doesn't," Sharon answered. "I just counted to ten, then asked him what fraction of the sidereal day was that period of time. Then I calculated the equivalent in Earth time."

"My God, Sharon!" Amazon Girl squealed. "Never in a million years could I have come up with anything like that!"

"I agree," Caroline said. "You've got a lot more going for you than you realize."

"Thank you," Sharon blushed. "But since it is now the second day we have been here, the capsule should be back in position where we left it. So it's about time to leave. xzzx."


"Grandfather will accompany us to the surface. He will wear an anti-gravity suit to be able to move."

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